Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Todays WOD - workout of the day

I will post yesterdays WOD too since I forgot

12/26 WOD = Crossfit Gym

Foam Roller
Presses - seated on bench
toe touches
weighted good mornings

press (real light - under 100 pounds - i just wanted to have a successful workout
~ 50 pullups with band assistance ( i know ~ i was off the bands pre injury i just want to take it easy)

* the workout was hazy  ~ strange to be back in the gym ; experiencing the moment i had been so excited about and so scared of

~ woke up sore as hell

took my last Vicodin

40 minutes intense pool work
bottom walking
deep jumping 
lots of mobility work in the posterior chain

then i just ran in deep water till i was exhausted

cool down

HOT TUB - oho it was so good