Sunday, December 18, 2011

WOD Workout of the day for 12/19 to 12/25

Workout A 12/19 to 12/25
3 rounds or 60 minutes
W - foam roller, pvc
1. pushups 30
2. one legged squats 20
3. reaching single leg lifts 30
4. slosh pipe thrusters 30
5. supermans 5 second hold 50
6. situps 50
7. standing kettle bell medley 10 minutes
8. one legged squats 20
9. push ups 30
10. leg ups 50

Workout B 12/19 to 12/25
3 rounds or 60 minutes
W. Foam Roller, PVC
1. arrowhead ups 30
2. Green ups 20
3. Glut bridge (? new movement)
4. Sit ups 50
5. Leg ups 50
6. Green ups 20
7. KB medley 10 minutes
8. reaching dead lifts
9. Green ups 10
10. Push ups 40
11. (bonus) KB curls - hand strength
12. (bonus) slosh pipe good mornings !!!