- yesterday i experienced some bad detox symptoms; head ache, flu like symptoms, nausea, just all around felt like crap.This morning I woke up really groggy - tons of snot - probably nothing you want to hear but if you are going through a fast/detox its nice to see what others are going through
I was on pain killers for 2 months and i think eating paleo in combination with the detox from the pain killers is giving me some good detox side effects
I have the head ache today, and a little dizzy but nothing like yesterday. I am trying to look at this as a one year process. Part of my problem in the past has been jumping from one system to the next never giving the process time to work itself out.
~ 1100 am
working efficiently - taking breaks
trying to bet my desk to be a standing work station
AM WOD630 am groggy as hell did not want to work out
30 minutes on the rower - 5400 meters
happy its done
Lunch WOD (raining so in the classroom ~ no excuses)
20 push ups
20 calf raises (PT)
20 squats
1minute plank
X 4
20 extra push ups (100 push ups today)
time for a nap
** cheat 1 diet soda