Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1 24 Tuesday WOD + Paleo


day 8
less detox symptoms today
still need the PM caffeine 
not hungry for lunch but im going to eat it 1225pm

~ 133 pm
very low energy 
i just want to take a nap
its hard to do with 45 student in the room

~~~ no working out tomorrow {except for PT at 600}
the detox symptoms are back - head ache


AM (before work)
30 min rowing
6400 meters

Lunch (track)


Was out tracking with Endomondo
Average Speed: 4.2 mph
Calories: 243 kcal
Distance: 2.08 miles
Duration: 29m:42s

Pull up Station

purple band
4 X 5 = 20 pullups